Case Study: General Assembly Dashboard Community App


General Assembly is a pioneer in education and career transformation, they specialize in today’s most in-demand skills. The leading source for training, staffing, and career transitions, they foster a flourishing community of professionals pursuing careers they love.


General Assembly leverages the latest technological tools to provide their students with an engaging, blended online and offline learning experiences, yet they do not have a Mobile App. This is truly a missed opportunity. The General Assembly App can foster the great community that it has by offering the same kind of positive experience it does in classrooms.


Vincent Lai, David Plakon, Elizabeth Kulikova


UX | UI Designer, User Researcher, Content Strategist, Concept Ideation. 


2 Weeks


Currently, General Assembly doesn’t have an easy way to view projects that other students in different cities, cohorts, or courses are working on. The main App feature would be project sharing, but could expand to be a full featured all-in-one GA education management experience… Schedule, group communication, discipline cross-pollination, & even an alumni support network.

To view the research and a detailed account of the process for this project, please visit the retrospective.
