Case Study: Blendr Feature for Spotify



Spotify provides a platform for folks to create radio stations or browse through the music collections of artists, friends, and celebrities. Spotify users can “like” artists’ tracks, follow artists, create radio stations and playlists. Although users can curate their playlists from songs they select, Spotify would like to create a feature that allows users to collaborate, DJing their select tracks with other users in real time.


A vast majority of music streamers use Spotify for their needs. However, more tech-savvy audiophiles turn to other platforms due to their advanced collaboration and sharing features.


Vincent Lai, Michelle Hsu, John Evans


UX | UI Designer, User Researcher, Content Strategist, Visual Designer. 

As a team, we were responsible for brand research, user research and designing a new feature for the existing Spotify platform.


2 Weeks


Spoti Blendr, feature allowing users to collaborate on playlists as well as listen/comment on others people’s playlists.

To view the research and a detailed account of the process for this project, please visit the retrospective.